Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Who is me?

In Depth :-

So basically, my name is Shenal Hewapathiranage. I'm from a wonderful small island called Sri Lanka. (Lovely place, really. Despite all the malicious, critical slander about it influenced by a civil war.)

I'm 17 and currently concentrating on my academical pursuits while leading a somewhat active social life. Which means, I regularly get up my ass and interact with other human beings through mediums which is not relevant to phones or internet. 

I'm interested in fitness, not bodybuilding, just fitness. A "hobby" I came into inculcating while looking to lose weight in around 2012 'cause I hated my "chubby" image. I'm extremely interested about various nutrition facts, workout facts or basically anything to do with a gym, however I repeat, I'm not into hardcore bodybuilding, neither am I a gym rat.

While not studying or in the gym, I like to read various articles online. Most of them which relates to day-to-day activities. Also, I like to browse my Facebook news feed and my Twitter in which I have followed a lot of questionable individuals. Also, I spend a lot of time on this certain website called Cracked
 (seriously, check it out if you don't know about it already, you just might find a new hobby)

I'm a movie fanatic who pretty much watches any movie I can get my hands on. I prefer horror and psychological thrillers. My favourite movies being; The Shining, Saw Series and The Audition. 
Literature wise, I love to read, although I haven't been finding too much time for that. Once again, I tend to incline more towards horror, mystery, psychological thrillers area. I'm an avid fan of Lovecraft and King so I tend to read about authors who follow their footsteps. Also, I'm extremely fond of reading books written by John Grisham (The Rainmaker was just fab), Jeffrey Deaver (His Lincoln Rhyme series is a must read for any criminal-detective story fan.) Furthermore, I'm a worshipper of Tolkien, cause who the heck isn't? And also, GRRM. 
Going to TV serials, I admit, I don't really have time once again, but I'm a hardcore fan of GoT, Hannibal, Sherlock and True Detective. Currently behind most of them except Sherlock and TD. 
Shifting to Music, my tastes are somewhat spread across. I'm mainly into Black Metal, Death, Thrash, Rock, Grunge. However depending on the occasion I listen to love songs and much more softer music too. I don't call myself a hardcore metal or rock or whatever genre fan. Just a guy who enjoys good music. My favourite bands include Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Alter Bridge.

So yeah, that's in depth about me. Hope you'll got an idea about what sort of person I am. 

As for my online life. You can find me in the following places :-



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